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Rodan and Fields Skincare Regimen and Eye Cream Before and After


November 16, 2015

You all know I am a beauty product and skincare junkie… otherwise known as I will try anything and everything to undo the damage I caused my skin way back when I was younger and didn’t pay attention to applying daily sunscreen or making sure my makeup was fully removed at night, etc, etc. I know I’m not the only guilty one out there!

Funny enough, 80% of how our skin ages is within our control…

My college friend Jenn recently joined the Rodan and Fields team and reached out to me in the hopes to get me to sample their infamous Redefine Eye Cream… I admit, I am lazy when it comes to nightly beauty rituals and sometimes I forget to apply after a long day. I was SO glad to know I could apply this during the morning AND night so it’s a ritual I can tackle at least once a day and not feel guilty if I missed a time [or two].

She had me send her unedited pictures, with no makeup and no filters, EEEKKK… just so she could visibly show me a before and after once the Rodan and Fields eye cream 60-day trial was over. Not going to lie… I was weary about this and my eyes aren’t my “trouble area” as much as others on my face, but I was SHOCKED at the difference from Day 1 to Day 60 and I can absolutely tell a big difference in the fine lines, under eye circles, and darkness as well.

Rodan and Fields and Eye Cream Before and After featured by top US life and style blog, Hello! Happiness

If you’re living under a rock and have yet to hear about Rodan and Fields, here is a little more info:

After creating the highly successful acne treatment line, Proactiv® Solution, board-certified dermatologists Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields founded Rodan + Fields® in 2002 to pursue a line of clinically proven, dermatology-based anti-aging products.

Rodan and Fields and Eye Cream Before and After featured by top US life and style blog, Hello! Happiness
Whether you want to Unblemish your acne, Soothe skin sensitivities like redness or Rosacea, Reverse the signs of sun damage and dullness, or Redefine your skin by eliminating fine lines and wrinkles, there is a Rodan + Fields regimen for you. And all products come with a 60-day, empty-bottle, money back guarantee.You have nothing to lose by trying these Rodan and Fields products. AND, Jenn is sweetening the deal just for Hello! Happiness readers.

If you are interested in investing in your skincare regimen and you order by the end of November, she’ll give you Preferred Customer benefits for FREE. This means you get:
++ 10% Off Product
++ Free Shipping
++ The option to replenish any R+F product every 60 days at the same discount, if and only if you need or want more.

That’s a savings of $30-$40 on a Rodan and Fields regimen! It typically costs $19.95 to enroll in Preferred Customer Perks, but Jenn is generously covering this for you. You get all the Preferred Customer benefits at no charge. Just mention I sent you ;).

Lastly, she is also sending you a sample of three of her favorite products, just for ordering.
Interested? Want to talk to Jenn about your perfect skin regimen? Get in touch with her at jenndawnwade@gmail.com. Her website is www.jennwade.myrandf.com. Here she is in all her NATURAL beauty with no foundation… get it Jenn!

Rodan and Fields and Eye Cream Before and After featured by top US life and style blog, Hello! Happiness
  1. Natasha yor results are awesome! I'm a consulatant for R+F as well, and will admit I was a sceptical at first but now I'm a firmer believer in these amazing products. Redefine has won me over! Im happy to see the "Jar of Joy" as we call it has made it's way to you – its the BEST! Best of luck to your friend on her new endeaovrs!

  2. Those results are impressive! Definitely checking this out 🙂

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

  3. My eyes do happen to be my trouble spot … wrinkles galore! So thanks for this heads-up!

  4. I have heard so many wonderful reviews about R+F, I may just have to make the investment! Xo, Stephanie

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