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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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All About Me… An All New Q+A for 2018


February 26, 2018

It’s been a LONG time coming on this post my friends… from endless DMs to comments to emails and everything in between, I’ve been keeping a stockpile of your burning questions and ones I’ve failed to get back to you ON. With that, we are still fairly-new into the year, so it’s a perfect opportunity to do an updated ‘All About Me/Q+A” type feature. Here we go:

dress c/o Eliza J [sold out online] | earrings | sandals | watchprada daino tote

From Ihla: Hi! …would love to know how long it takes you and the kids to get out the door on a school morning? Also, how many hours of sleep do you need to function? It seems like you do so much, idk how you fit it all into 24 hours!!

OK, so whenever I get this question, I have to laugh because it may seem like we have it all together, but I assure you, mornings are my least favorite part of the day because I’m usually frantically running out of the house, chasing two girls to get into their carseats before I lose my S&T… haha, it’s the truth.
But let me back up: if it’s a day where I have meetings/appts, photoshoots or something else going on, I usually rise and shine at 6AM to grab a shower, eat breakfast and get at least 70% ready before the kids get up. That way, I can fix their breakfast, help them get dressed, etc before I throw my clothes on. It seems like two hours would be PLENTY of time to get the girls and I ready without any bickering, but low and behold I always seem to be running ragged at 7:45 trying to round up my herd of cattle and ensure I have everything we all need for the day [violin for lessons on Tuesdays, snacks for the afternoon car-ride line, leotards for gymnastics on Thursdays, etc, etc, etc.] It sounds like a circus I’m sure,  but it works for us…
On the other hand, if it’s a day where I plan to come back home to work, head to the gym, or something along those lines, I’m up around 6:30, throwing my hair in a messy bun, putting on the bare essentials in terms of makeup [those favorites coming up below], and then putting on some workout pants and a comfy top = call it complete.
P.S. a few tips that help make our mornings smoother:

  • We pick out the girls outfits the night before… this eliminates unnecessary meltdowns, crying over a certain headband and having to wear socks [oh the humanity] but that way they know what they are wearing and they get themselves ready for the most part– they get to pick their ensembles on Tues/Thurs, while I get to choose on Mon/Wed/Fri.
  • I pack lunches and snacks the night before… another crazy small task that makes a world of difference to this mama. That way, I can store them in the fridge and then place in backpacks that next morning before we leave
  • I try to have lights off in bed at 10PM. Jeff is a night owl, but this girl NEEDS her sleep, so eight hours is a must for me… that means once the girls go to bed around 8PM, I have two hours to tidy up, finish any outstanding work/tasks that need to be done, laundry, and everything else.
  • Like I mentioned above, I am a person that HAS to make beds every single day. Jeff thinks I am crazy, but it drives me bonkers when a bed is unmade so for some reason it helps me to get going in the mornings [tell me I am not the only one?!?!]
From Nancy: Your makeup always looks flawless. My question would be what are your favorite go-to makeup products, etc…

Well thank you for the sweet compliment Nancy! I have learned a thing or two about skincare and makeup over the years and try to recreate as best as I can… I feel like it’s an art in itself and one that I still need to refine, but I am getting there. So I will share my favorites for you below–one for “the full face” and one for my “five minute face”.

The Full Face Round-Up

Extreme Recovery CreamDr Brandt Undereye CreamMAC Prep + Prime SkinUrban Decay All Nighter ConcealerMake Up For Ever Ultra HD FoundationBecca Sunlit BronzerSmashbox LA Lights Blusher [color Beverly Hills] | Stila Heaven’s Hue HighlighterStila Smudge Stick Eyeliner [in Damsel] | MAC Paint Pots [Shades Indianwood and Bare Study] | Tarte Toasted Eyeshadow PaletteAnastasia Brow Definer and Brow Gel [Both in Blonde] | Estee Lauder Sumptuous Lash MascaraBuxom Plumpline Lip Liner [Color is White Russian] | Dior Rouge Exuberant Matte LipstickMAC Setting Mist

The Five Minute Face Goodies

Maybelle Studio FX Primer [under $10, too] | iT Cosmetics CC Cream [I use shade medium… trust me, this is a GAMECHANGER] | Becca Sunlit BronzerSmashbox LA Lights Blusher [color Beverly Hills] | Stila Smudge Stick Eyeliner [in Damsel] | MAC Paint Pots [Shades Indianwood and Bare Study] | Brow Gel [Both in Blonde] | Estee Lauder Sumptuous Lash Mascara | Bare Minerals Moxie Lip Gloss [Color is Rebel]

From LJR: I’d love to have a deep/serious question thrown in the mix… something more beneath the surface like , what’s been your hardest struggle you’ve had to overcome? How has faith played a part in your life? What’s been the hardest thing about being an entrepreneur? The greatest marriage advice you could recommend? Some questions to help share another side of you that your readers may not have known before!

Is it weird that I like the serious questions!?! It makes me stop and really think so I appreciate it LJR. Answering each of yours below:
In terms of a really hard struggle, I guess it has to do with the fact that my first semester of college, I REALLY messed up and failed… like as in I came home with a 1.4 GPA and my parents were pretty upset [rightfully so given the fact they were paying for my tuition, living expenses, extra spending $$$, etc]. Now having said that, I had been in a really bad car accident during my fall break so I had to miss classes due to my recovery/having to stay at home, BUT I also partied WAY too much and would skip class, not study for exams, etc. It was something that I remedied the very next semester, and never made below a 3.0 afterwards [probably because I knew I’d be coming home if I didn’t fix it fast], but it caused me to miss out on some pretty incredible opportunities in college that I would’ve been able to do if my grades had been better [i.e. recruitment chair for my sorority, an on-campus leadership group, better internships, ability to study abroad… you get the jist]. 

As for faith in my life… I was never really a religious person until my mid-20s. We attended church of course, but I had never really come to know God in a way where I felt comfortable talking to Him on a daily basis and having that spiritual relationship. But that all changed when I started attending our now church when Jeff and I started dating. We both were at a crossroads and wanted to grow in our faith and it was amazing that we were able to do it together. I was saved on a September day in 2009 and I’ll never forget that moment for as long as I live. It was truly one of the best days and I felt such a relief to know that He would protect and love me unconditionally, no matter what. Now, I still have those daily conversations with Him, we pray together as a family, we talk about the hard stuff and I am so looking forward to seeing what types of relationships my girls come to have with God as they get older and more involved at church.

The hardest thing about being an entrepreneur… oh lord everything is hard about being your own boss! But when I think of the ONE thing that stands out, it’s the copycats–the ones who no matter what you do, ALWAYS follow suit and copy your email marketing, social media posts, website design, brands, on and on and on. Some say it’s flattery, but for someone who spent years on developing a brand/mission/customer loyalty/etc, it’s pretty disappointing to see how often it happens and how there are no penalties for it.

Greatest marriage advice… well, we’ve been married for almost seven years now and I know we have a LONG way to go to be experts in the field, but this year my grandparents are going to celebrate SIXTY years of marriage and recently I asked them what made it work for them all this time and they said to laugh… no matter what, laugh with each other. When you’re madder than a hornet, just laugh… when times get tough, just laugh. It seems so simple but I think in this day and age we all could use a little more laughter!! I think that could be the very best advice there is.

From Lyndie: I was hoping to get some tips about how to start a blog and dive into the fashion world.

If I had a dime for every time I was asked this, I would be rich! No, but seriously, good for you for wanting to jumpstart into blogging Lyndie. First of all, my best advice would be to REALLY plot out your blog/social media identity and brand before you ever start designing a website. If you want to dive in, you have to think about it like it’s a business… your mission, your differentiators [what sets you apart from everyone else], and so on. I would draft these things, along with other important details, into a master blog business plan and then let the brainstorming begin..

Do you want to focus on fashion/home/family/life + style? There are a TON of niches, but finding the right audience that loves the content you’re creating can be tricky, but sooo much fun, too. I try not to take myself too seriously, because my personality is that same way… that’s why throughout my blog/IG/other platforms, you see cohesiveness in color, lots of fun fonts and details, casual style [because that’s my day to day wardrobe], etc.

Staying true to yourself is essential in this blogging world… trust me, it looked much different 10 years ago when I hit publish for the first time! Also, seek out podcasts for help, join FB blogging groups with likeminded women, ask your audience what they want to see, and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!

From Lane: What does a typical day of eating look like for you? Favorite snacks, options for on the go, drive-thru when you’re trying to eat healthy, etc.

For me, it’s all about 5 smaller meals… because I LOVE to eat! Here is what a typical menu day for me:

Breakfast [6:30AM] | Jimmy Dean Delights, Turkey Sausage English Muffin Sandwiches. I pretty much eat the same thing EVERY SINGLE DAY… sounds boring I’m sure, but I never get tired of them! They are also protein heavy and get me going! I pair this with a cup [or two] of coffee as well and of course my daily multivitamins.

Mid-Morning Snack [10AM] | Grab the Gold Protein Bars. Another staple you’ll find in my pantry are these no-bake cookie bars packed with chocolate chips, peanut butter, and oats. Another protein and fiber heavy snack that is easy to throw in my bag and I’ve eaten them for years… go ahead and buy the box. I promise you and your kids will love them!

Lunch [12:30PM] | This is when I usually round out my daily intake of carbs, as I try to cut back on those for my late snack and dinner to eliminate unnecessary bloating. I usually eat a salad stacked with tons of cheese, sliced deli meat, homemade chicken salad, or a low-carb tortilla with pepper jack cheese and chicken/ham/turkey. Then I add in some fresh veggies and fruit and some baked crackers and call it complete.

Afternoon Snack [2:30PM] | Usually, I throw one of these Balanced Break snacks OR mini trail mix packs, a mini bag of pistachios, low carb yogurt with berries, or I will stop by The Juice Bar and grab a green juice.

Dinner [6PM] | We cook 3-4 nights a week and try to keep it pretty healthy, so depending on the week, I try to meal plan to keep us all on track, especially since we’re so busy. Sometimes it’s pot roast in the crock pot, or low carb honey lime chicken enchiladas I can prepare in the morning and then just bake at night… other times, we like to cook breakfast for dinner [bacon, eggs and sausage] or a one-dish skillet meal I can whip up in less than 30 minutes once we get home.

From Sara: What are your top three regrets?

One. Not moving to NYC after I graduated college. It’s the one thing that still makes me sad. I got a job with one of the big advertising agencies after interning with them one summer and I turned it down.

Two. Dating the jerks I dated prior to Jeff. My mom is going to giggle reading this because of course she tried to tell me how bad they ALL were and she was 100% right. Moral of the story… sometimes your parents know you better than you know yourself so listen 😉

Three. Not going to see Eddie Vedder at the Ryman in concert… sounds petty and trivial, but Pearl Jam is my favorite band and that was most certainly a once in a lifetime concert that I didn’t get to see = boo.

From Wendy: Would you show how you get your hair so perfectly curled? Products you use, the curling iron or a tutorial… it always looks great!

I’ve actually done one of these before and you can see it here. Having said that, I have updated my list of products and tools I use and plan to create a more professional looking video this spring so stay tuned!

From Megan: Where do you see your blog in five years?

That’s a tricky one… if you had told me I would be running not one, but two businesses five years ago I would’ve called you crazy. But that’s also because I had a one-year old and was about to have another baby–haha. It’s crazy to see how much this creative outlet has grown and evolved, just as my life has, but I’m excited about the future… sharing more of what I love with you guys! Documenting the girls growing up, more of our home and things we love, more travel [I hope!!] and of course all the fun fashion posts that I’ll never get tired of… afterall, getting to play dress up is even more fun as an adult!

From Anna K: Where are your favorite places to shop for jewelry?? You always find the best goodies!

Y’all know I am an accessories hoarder.. sunglasses and accessories are my item of choice apparently and it keeps growing and growing. But having said that, I have two little ladies who will most likely be thankful for their mamas love of the baubles and bling when they are a bit older! Here are a few of my go-to destinations for accessory shopping:

Accessory Concierge | Mrs B and Company | Val’s Boutique | Baublebar | Fern and Piper | Akola

This was TOO much fun!! Hope you guys learned a few more things about the gal behind the blog by this first installment of an all new Q+A session. I’ll be bookmarking this in my main navigation for easy reference and will be adding to it as others are completed! As always, thanks for the love friends. OXOX

  1. Gentry Adams says:

    I loved learning more about your faith- it’s such an important part of our lives and it was neat to learn about your journey!

  2. Laura Graham says:

    OMG! I cant believe your favorite band is Pearl Jam! I love them too ( and they are my husbands favorite band) So we were at that show at the Ryman! It was very intimate and interesting but we had some drunk young guys in front of us that caused a rucus the entire show and drove me nuts.. and I gave them an earful so Erik was practically dragging me out of there when it was over. HA

  3. LJR says:

    Amazing post! Thank you for sharing this side and personal details of your life! Very interesting and insightful. I loved your faith story. Thank you also for your Grandparents advice to laugh when you can. We need to remember that! -Lindsay R

  4. Toni says:

    Such a fun post, I appreciated the protein bar snack idea. I just added them to my Amazon cart. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. Enjoyed getting to know more about you. Have an awesome day!

  5. Tina says:

    Good post! Just had to report that I went to the Akola website and ordered a necklace! They ran out of my color, but they called me and I ended up getting the best customer service! So glad you introduced that site to us. Their mission is truly inspiring.

  6. Caley says:

    I LOVED this post my friend – some deep and serious answers and some fun ones too!!
    The regrets question got me thinking too – I’ve put the Q&A idea out there for a blog post too – thanks for the inspiration x

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