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Faster Way to Fat Loss… Round 1 Results and the After Shots


February 18, 2019

I know so many of you have anxiously been awaiting this Faster Way to Fat Loss post and I am over the moon happy to finally get to share this with you. HOLY MOLY y’all… I can’t believe I did it!! It feels SO damn good to be able to get on here today to share my round 1 completion with you.

Before I dive in and give you all the results about this program, I just want to say that this has been the ONLY lifestyle/diet/fitness program I have EVER been able to stay on and see through to completion. For me, that says a lot about how passionate I am about my new FWTFL life and I am beyond thrilled with how much of me has transformed–mind, body, AND soul–now that I have completed my 1st round.

P.S. if you have no idea what I am talking about, head back HERE and read my original FWTFL post, which details the program, components of Faster Way to Fat Loss as well as my before shots that I took back in December! 

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness

So, where do we begin?? Let’s talk about the three components of the FWTFL and what I thought about each:

Faster Way to Fat Loss:


My parents did a low carb lifestyle for years and when we lived with them during our home renovation we did a lot of it as well, so this was fairly simple for me to execute. I love the fact that the carb cycling is only TWO days a week, which was another selling point for me for Faster Way to Fat Loss. It almost became a game to me to see how low I could get my net carbs on Mondays and Tuesdays… not only to make sure I was under the 50 net grams each day, but to also try to get that count as low as possible, which meant eating a ton of fat and protein on those days. I know low carb intimidates a lot of people, but I was able to find easy snack options and favorites from Trader Joe’s, Amazon and Kroger that truly made this aspect very easy to do AND make it work, while still cooking dinner for Jeff and the kiddos.


Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness

 Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Seasoning Blend [a great addition to anything for flavor] Whisps Crisps [great salty snack] | Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Squares [when you are craving something sweet] | Just the Cheese Bars |  Trader Joe’s Thai Lime and Chili Cashews [my absolute fav nuts] | GG Fiber Crisp Crackers | Orgain Chocolate Protein Powder [the best organic protein–I add this to my smoothies] | Kirkland Protein Bars [just 3G + 4G of net carbs each] | Keto Nut Butter

TWO. Tracking Macros

Before I started learning about FWTFL, I had no idea what the heck a macros was… but look at me now! In just six short weeks, I not only know how to track them in MyFitnessPal, but I also know how to calculate them on my own and I know to make them work for me and my health and wellness goals, especially when I am eating out. Funny enough, once I input my starting weight and what I was wanting to achieve, I soon realized I actually wasn’t eating enough calories each day. Once you start paying attention to the fuel you’re giving your body, it’s crazy how much can change about your food/caloric intake and what you’re feeding your body each day.

My favorite thing about tracking my macros was pre-planning events/meals/activities so that I could make it work for ME. Not once did I have to deprive myself of a certain food or drink throughout this program… I was still able to enjoy cocktails at dinner, could treat myself to ice cream with my daughters, and never did I go into that “crave” mode which was so common for me when doing other diet/food programs.

We have daily check-ins and upload our macros charts via our private Facebook groups, so that was an amazing way to stay accountable throughout the six weeks and motivate others as well. Even better, with my small group, we were able to share recipes and cheer each other on, which was one of the most fun aspects of FWTFL for me as well.

THREE. Intermittent Fasting

Hands down, fasting has become my absolute FAVORITE thing about FWTFL and I don’t see myself changing from my 16/8 windows anytime soon. To be quite honest, before I started, this was the detail that scared me the most… I was SO terrified I wouldn’t be able to go 16 hours without eating and now its become second nature to my days and it’s something I enjoy. Even crazier, I did two 24-hour fasts and it wasn’t bad at all–and y’all know this girl loves some food!!

I usually broke my fast around 11am each day, and then completed my 8-hour eating window by 7PM, which worked extremely well for my normal schedule… seeing as I had dinner parties and events and trips during my six-weeks, there were days where I changed my 8-hour window to accommodate late dinners, girls nights, etc and that was never a problem whatsoever! What I love is that you can modify FWTFL to fit YOUR days… we had night nurses in our group that ate from 11PM to 8AM and it was so fun to see how they made it work for their schedule, too.

Now let’s talk workouts… I’ve been working out regularly for years [with highs and lows throughout just like everyone else out there], but I’ve been fairly committed to working our 3/4 days a week since early fall so the 5x a week workouts didn’t intimidate me too much.

Having said that, I can tell a HUGE difference in not only my endurance + strength, but my ability to push myself in my daily workouts now. What I love about the workouts is that most of the time I was in and out of the gym withing 30-45 minutes and each workout was different, so I never got bored. We do a combination of HITT, sprints, strength training, low cardio, arms and legs so you’re truly working out every muscle in your body each week, all while implementing new methods and moves so that kept me motivated.

And yes, for you friends that love classes at your local gym, prefer working out at home, or are just now starting to workout, you can absolutely make FWTFL fit to your lifestyle, as they have options for beginners and at home workouts as well. 

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman in workout clothes.

Lilac Racerback Tank [only $18/wearing small] | Gray Strappy Support Bra [$24/runs TTS] | Moonmist Capris [under $20/run TTS/wearing XS] | Black Open Back Workout Tank [runs TTS/only $13] | Lapis Blue Workout Capris [under $20/run TTS] | Gold Nike Sneakers [THE BEST/size up!] | Mint Intention Tank [wearing small] | Laser Cut Tight in High Teal [wearing XS/runs TTS] | Happy Camper Tank [only $17/wearing small]


Alright, alright, alright… I’m sure some of you have scrolled to get to this point, SO let’s get down to business–my results and after shots!!! Here are my before and after measurements:

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness

Keep in mind I know I didn’t have a ton of weight to shed, so I was shocked when I took my post-FWTFL measurements yesterday! I can’t believe I was able to take off 5″ in just six weeks… my hardest areas to tone and tighten have always been my hip and thigh area so I was BEYOND thrilled to see that each of those were down an inch from this. I’m telling y’all–small changes = big results and this proof was all I needed to see.

Even more exciting for me was that I was able to ditch my daily scale weigh-ins. I have always been a girl that checks her weight on the scale–mostly to keep me within my “happy weight” range, but also as a daily habit I assumed would be hard to break. I took my last steps on that scale on December 31st and it has sat in my closet ever since until yesterday where I finally checked my weight and I am down 7 pounds. Part of the FWTFL speaks to ditching that pesky scale and saying goodbye to measuring your success by how much you weigh so I won’t be weighting myself again until after my second round. Now, it’s all about how my clothes fit and I can promise you my clothes have never felt better on and that’s the BEST FEELING in the world my friends! 

OK, so we’ve gotten to all things show and tell — my before and after pictures. If you remember, I mentioned my goal was to look AND feel good in a two piece bathing suit for our trip next week to Cabo so that was my WHY for this first round… let me tell ya, CABO IS CALLING [let’s not even discuss how many bathing suits I’ve bought already–haha] 😉 **of course I’m showing a few different angles/views, too so I hope this helps for reference**


Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman in a swimsuit.

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman in her swimsuit.

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman wearing her swimsuit.

Hands down, visually the biggest change for me has been in my waist area… I think I might see a few abs peaking out of there AND I’ve definitely leaned out from those pesky love handles, too. Another zone where I can see loads of progress is my hip and thigh region–it’s always been a problem area for me and now my tushy is getting tighter and my hams/glutes/legs are much stronger and leaner!

As for the arms and upper half, that’s always been the easiest for me to workout, but now my shoulders and biceps/triceps have much more definition and lean muscle mass… hell I can even do pull-ups now so that’s a win for this mama because that hasn’t been the case in YEARS!

I’m hoping this helps show a few visible differences in my starting point versus where I am now. Just remember not to define YOUR progress and goals by anyone else but yourself… it’s a marathon not a sprint and it’s a lifestyle, not a diet!

So, after seeing all of this… are you ready to join??

More than anything, this entire experience for me has been changing my views of all things health and wellness… finding a program that works for MY life and MY goals and I can’t say enough great things about what the Faster Way to Fat Loss has done for me. My coach, Allie Janszen, goes above and beyond to deliver one incredible experience, all with meal planning guides, easy-to-execute recipes, pantry must-haves, motivational talks, and so much more–not only does she walk the walk, but she talks the talk and she is one of the main reasons I have succeeded in the FWTFL program and I have no doubt you can do this too. Plus, our daily check-ins via our private Facebook group have helped motivate me, to step outside of my comfort zone, to connect with other women walking this same path, and our entire group KILLED it these last six weeks and I am over the moon thrilled for them and their wins as well.

Having said that, if you’re ready to dive in and make a change, our next round starts TODAY… prep week has officially begun and we’ve got a ton of you starting that change with us. Grab one of your besties for an accountability partner and sign up, it’s not too late!! If you’re ready, use this link to sign up and get to moving and grooving–it’s going to be GREAT! 

Faster Way to Fat Loss featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness

As for me, I’m starting round two today… I told you I’m addicted and I am ready to step it up a notch and get back to business! If any of you have completed round one and want to continue the journey with us, COME ON FRIENDS!!! Round two is all about diving in deeper and cementing the FWTFL lifestyle–helping us adjust macros [if and when needed], really focusing on the nutrition component as well as a new online portal with new workouts… I’m just so excited to continue this program and share more of it with you.

SO, If you’ve made it this far, I want to say THANK YOU… thank you for following along, for watching this process unfold and for allowing me the opportunity to share this with you–from the bottom of my heart, I cannot give enough gratitude for your support and encouragement throughout the past six weeks… I absolutely loved getting those daily DMs, emails, texts and comments saying you could see a visible difference and how fun it was to watch this unfold for me, and you asking questions because you want to make positive changes for yourself, too.

Cheers friends!! OXOX

Loving this Faster Way to Fat Loss review? Take a look here for more of my fitness favorites!


  1. Kelly says:

    Amazing!!!! You have been so disciplined — so exciting to see your hard work pay off!!! You look incredible (of course you started incredible and beautiful too!). I know it’s so rewarding to know you’re doing something that makes an impact. You are going to have THEEEEE best time on Cabo feeling like a million bucks! Congrats!!

    • natashamassey@gmail.com says:

      thank you Kelly… crazy to see just how much has changed in six weeks, and most of all I’ve got my confidence back!! OXOX

  2. Meaghan says:

    You go lady!! I am so glad you have shared this and hope it’s an encouragement to other ladies to try it out. I say “try” very loosely because once you start you want to keep going!!! FWTFL has been such a blessing in my life and I’m so glad to see it has been great for you! :]

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