Send the husbands and significant others my way ladies.. I’ve got you covered! It’s time to get down to business, making your list and checking it twice and get them to actually shop ahead of time [for once] and get you the goods you want, instead of what ever is left over at the store = and yes, I have a feeling many of you can relate ;).

I feel like I’ve been REALLY good this year… or maybe that’s just wishful thinking, but I’m hoping my elf thinks so too and surprises me with a few of these finds come Christmas morning! I don’t know if any of you out there are like me = as everyone tells me I am really hard to shop for because when I see something I want I usually just buy it myself. But I managed to keep a running list all year for things that caught my eyes [and attention] so I could send them some favorites to find… let’s see what made my wishlist for 2023:

Moving onto other ladies wishlist items… I’ve been researching like crazy, asking my friends what their favs are this season and of course found some classic favs anyone would be thrilled to receive!! For a lot of us women, it’s all about comfort + cute with a bit of self care thrown in for good measure so here is this year’s lineup of what things women want…

And then last but not so much least, a luxury items wishlist. For me, it’s always hard to select one large gift I’m looking for = in our house, we call that “the anchor gift” [thanks Pappy]. For that special delivery, here is a proper roundup of all the luxe goods + gifts that even the pickiest recipient would adore:

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