In the summertime, there are far less rules in our house… less days the girls have to make their bed, less days they need to eat balanced meals and let’s be honest, I might get a little crazy and venture off the normal straight and narrow, too.
Afterall, I only get 18 summers with my babies before they leave me for college [unless we just happen to move with them!!] but we are always making our summer bucket lists so that we don’t get bored and surprise surprise… we like to keep ourselves busy and having fun while off from school and dance.
The past week, they sat down with our summer sitter Ruby and made a list of all the things they want to check off over the next two months… of course they had to make it on an easel for easy show and tell and that way we can check as we go!! Already tackling some of our to-do’s like making homemade pizzas and going to a concert so we are on our way.
I also thought it would be fun to take some general ideas and make it into a handy dandy printable you can print off at home and put on your fridge… so much to do over this break and we don’t intend on wasting our time away:

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