I’m a Dyson fan through and through. First I bought the original Airwap styler, then I invested in the Supersonic hair dryer, and just recently I bit the bullet and ordered the Airstrait after doing lots of investigative research about this all new hair tool.
I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and I promised a full rundown here on the blog to give you all the details from my firsthand experience, so let’s get to the good stuff:
Why I Ordered the Airstrait
My hair is SUPER thick and coarse and takes forever to dry. I do have extensions so some of the added drying time is due to that addition, but nonetheless drying my mane has always been a cumbersome exercise that I get tired of doing on the regular. I had seen a handful of people talking about the new Airstrait and then of course checked it out on my own when I was in Ulta and knew it was time to try it out for myself… not only does it DRY your hair, but it STRAIGHTENS it while it dries = so it’s basically free because it’s a total two-in-one tool [girl math, right?!?!]. I’ve used straighteners for years, but I always feel like they leave my hair brittle and dry due to the high heat they use [another issue us blondes have to battle]. I love that is saves me time with my hair routine = therefore giving me back extra minutes for other things, while simultaneously saving my strands and keeping them healthy!
How it Works
For you scientific peeps who want the technical terms… most straightening tools get the job done with ceramic plates that are heated from within, up to 400°F and beyond. The heat from those plates removes water from the hair [FYI: even when hair is dry to the touch, your hair has water in it]. Why is that a good thing? Because driving all the water out of the hair structure creates new temporary bonds in the hair that allow it to be (temporarily) anchored into a straight position when pressed and pulled between two plates.
The Airstrait draws on the same basic principles of heat and tension but takes a different approach, using only controlled hot (but not too hot) air to change the shape of the strands.
I LOVE how the tool has an easy-to-read color-LCD screen, so you can choose whether to straighten wet or dry hair and your preferred heat setting. In dry mode, the Airstrait uses lower airflow with temperature settings of 250°F, 285°F, and “boost,” which goes up to 320°F and is recommended only for touch-ups. When working with wet hair, higher airflow is required and you can choose from three different heat settings that start much lower: 175°F, 230°F, and 285°F. (To ensure temperatures stay in check, the Airstrait has thermometers in its arms = another win). No matter the mode you choose, there’s also a cool-shot option to quickly bring down the heat and “set” your style.
In general, the Airstrait looks, more or less, like a typical flatiron, but wider and well just, fancier for lack of better terms. You know I’m all about weighing out options when I buy something, so I thought it would be helpful to share my personal pros + cons list of the Airstrait… all in all, I’d absolutely recommend buying BUT be sure you shop it on sale like I did. Here are a few options to snag it with $100 less off the retail price of $499 here:

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