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Recipe: Cherry Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cake


April 19, 2013

Any kind of baked item that begins with a box of cake mix is alright in my book…sure, I love mixing flour and sugar sometimes, but when you need to whip something up in a hurry, it sure does save a lot of time and effort! I found this when I was clipping coupons in the Sunday paper months ago, but saved it and I am so glad I did. Here is a new one to add to the recipe box!

Cherry Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cake
1 box white cake mix (I’m a Betty Crocker girl)
3 eggs
1 21 oz. can LUCKY LEAF Cherry Pie Filling
1 cup mini chocolate chips
(optional icing ingredients)

2 tbsp warm water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract
¼ tsp salt
1⅔ cups powdered sugar
a. Preheat oven to 350ºF.
b. Combine cake ingredients using a spoon or spatula. Pour evenly into a greased bundt pan or 9×13 inch cake pan.
c. Bake 35-45 minutes in a bundt pan; 30-35 minutes in a 9×13-inch cake pan.
d. Optional Icing: Combine first 4 ingredients together. Add powdered sugar and mix with an electric mixer until desired consistency is achieved. Drizzle icing over cake. 

  1. Yum!! This may be my favorite sweet combo- I may even top it with cherry chocolate vanilla ice cream:)

  2. This looks heavenly!

  3. rachel says:

    This looks delicious! I am all about some cake mix. 🙂 Cannot wait to try!

  4. YUM!!! Fat free, right?! {{ I really, really want to get skinny before signing up for another 40 weeks of pregnancy!!}} I'll just blame you if I stay chubby. 😉 HAHA!!

    Have a good weekend!

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