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Wishful Wednesday…Santa


December 30, 2009

Yay for Kelsey bringing Wishful Wednesday to all of us this week, especially since I am stuck at work, and have to pass the time somehow! This week’s topic makes me think I may sound a tad bit greedy since I was blessed with so many fantastic Christmas goodies, but a little wishing and hoping can’t be too bad…
‘I wish’ …. Santa would have remembered
the Garmin Forerunner 405 GPS Watch

With all this training going on, it would definitely make it easier to monitor my heart rate so I can stay within my target zone, track my pace when running outside, and watch my distance so I know when I’m passing {yes I said passing} my goals. 
Now  it looks like I will be saving my hard-earned pennies so I can take advantage of this little toy {with a huge $300 price=YIKES!}… if anyone out there knows of another brand to save me some $$$, please let me know–all suggestions are welcome!! 

  1. Caroline says:

    That is a nice watch though.

  2. L.A. says:

    ah tha is a nice on. I will keep my eyes open for you! ..love your blog, youre so pretty. Saw you lived in NYC before . I live there now for school 🙂 way cold right now

    xo HAVE a good new years

  3. I want one of these so I will know the accurate about of calories burned! My girlfriend uses one of these for training and swears by it!

  4. I want that watch, you've got me drooling, seriously!

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