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Now that it’s summer, I officially mark my calendar in the attempts to read more at night. Most of my shows are either in reruns or something random is on so I hope to take some time a few nights a week to sit on my porch and read. I am hoping Taylor’s topic this […]

Top 2 Tuesday… My Favorite Books!


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Last night I finally finished reading “The Five Love Languages” by renouned author Gary Chapman. If you haven’t read this book, immediately run over to your local bookstore {or order it online via Amazon } and pick this baby up! Luckily for me, my wonderful Mom and Dad bought it for Jeff and I as […]

The Language of LOVE


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Who knew this drama love fest would snicker me in so?? I always made fun of the die-hard Twilight fans who ohhhd and ahhhhd over Edward Cullen and Jacob Black, but that comedy only lasted until I started reading for myself–though I was ashamed to admit it–it really is THAT GOOD and a must-read for […]

The 3rd Installment…


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She’s back =)… yes Kelsey is finally back from all of her traveling adventures, which means another installment of our favorite ‘Wishful Wednesday’. I had to think long and hard about this week’s topic: ‘I wish’ …. I could play a character’s role in a book and it would definitely be Mary Poppins! You can […]

Wishful Wednesday… Novel


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It’s almost here…only 1 more day and then it’s hasta la vista to 2009 and 2010 will finally make its debut! From my previous posts, you can see what a fabulous year its been, but I have to admit, I am ready for what 2010 has in store for me. I also wanted to catch-up […]

A New Year with New Goals


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this past weekend was anything but typical… but still fun nonetheless… let me spill the beans 1. friday, i took off work early to meet my mom at christmas village at the nashville fairgrounds–run by the women of pi beta phi, this philanthropy has hundreds of local merchants who set up booths and so you can […]

{the TYPICAL weekend}


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this week’s topic reminds me of what i need to go home and do tonight… over at kelsey’s blog, it’s time for the weekly round for wednesday, the ever-popular ‘i wish’ topic ‘I wish’ …. I never had to clean bathrooms again! in other words, i dislike despise cleaning bathrooms–it seems to me that once i […]

Wishful Wednesday… Chore}


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