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This morning, I just happened to stumble upon a wonderful article from Runner’s World about all things fruit… since I am not much of a veggie person, I tend to eat A LOT of fruit, which I have to watch at times because all that sugar can really add up–though we all know its better […]

Fruit of the Loom


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Now that things are settling back down after the craziness that has swept through the month of May…hello flood, hello new fence, hello traveling to and from–I can finally start getting back to decorating the house and finishing details I have failed to complete in the past few months…oops! I had a bunch of my […]

Back in Decorating Mode


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With the beau out of town on a business trip yesterday, I couldn’t help but get back to all things planning… I sat down at my computer and got to work, updating our budget {oh, how it continues to expand}, refining the guest list, and checking my to-do list to see what is up next, […]

Wedding Wednesday… Flower Power


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On Sunday afternoon, a bunch of friends and I gathered for an end-of-the-weekend cookout in the hopes we could put off all productive items until Monday morning… and trust me, it worked! I tried out a tasty new {well new, for me} recipe and it is one that EVERYONE loved–easy as pie, too! Here’s the […]

Recipe: Buffalo Chicken Dip


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Back when Jeff and I first started dating, we used to have date nights all the time… we’d each pick a night, officially email/call the person to invite them to date night, and give them clues throughout the week to keep them guessing as to what we were doing, obviously without giving the details away […]

Top 2 Tuesday… The Best Dates!


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And indeed, this weekend we had major pee-in-your-pants fun! Forgive me in advance if I stray off track, for I have had a total of about 10 hours of sleep all weekend and I am starting to get a little bit jittery and delirious…I promise, I’ll try to stay focused.  Friday afternoon, my Mom and I took a […]

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!


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Seriously, I am on one big journey this weekend!! Friday seemed so far away this week, yet it finally made its way back and this weekend promises to be another girly-filled weekend of fun. This afternoon, my Mom and I are headed to meet with the fabulous ladies at The Bride Room. I met Stephanie […]

Over the River and Through the Woods…


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