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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Unless you’re brand new to these parts, it’s evident by recent posts that our house has been taken over by the world’s CUTEST puppy there ever was. I’ve been wanting to give you guys all the details on our newest family member that has simply stolen ALL our hearts.  So here is a little introduction […]

Life with Tucker + The Best Pet Gifts

Life with Tucker

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**thank you to Bonobos and RewardStyle for sponsoring this date night outfit ideas post… it’s creative partnerships like this that continue to make Hello Happiness possible** Step right up… what have we here?? It’s my main guy’s big debut on the blog today!! He’s long been a lover of fashion. There’s no doubt about it. […]

Date Night Outfit Ideas Done Right | Bonobos Style


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This topic of conversation has been on my mind to share over the past few weeks and I feel like it’s totally time to self-reflect on myself and what anxiety looks like for me. I’m talking about my story because I am in the middle of reading Raising Worry-Free Girls by Sissy Goff and it’s helped […]

Raising Worry Free Girls by Sissy Goff


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Another year older, and hoping a bit more wiser… today is this gal’s 36th birthday. I know a lot of you out there HATE celebrating birthdays, but for some reason I don’t mind. Having said that, I informed Jeff I didn’t need a big celebration this year, but all I am asking for is Papa […]

#36… Reflecting On My Best Year Yet


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Here we are friends… I’m officially 6 MONTHS IN of everything Faster Way to Fat Loss and I am thrilled to share that I am still going strong!! More than anything, this health and fitness program has given me the confidence to know I can make this lifestyle fit into my daily life and feel […]

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results… 6 Months In + A Giveaway!


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Just more than a week ago, this gal became utterly speechless [shocking, right??] when I got a major surprise thrown my way. I pride myself on being pretty observant, but my friends and family totally pulled one over on me when they threw a party to celebrate one of the biggest milestones of my career… […]

Instagram Followers – Celebrate the Wins… #happinessat100K


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Happy Valentine’s Day my friends!!! I wanted to hop on here today to do a little check-in and of course to give you all big hugs and my well wishes for a sweet day ahead….whether you’re celebrating with your best friend over glasses of rose, spoiling your kiddos silly with extra hugs and candy, taking […]

Talking All Things LOVE… Happy Valentine’s Day!


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++thanks to Erin Condren for sponsoring this post… so excited for this partnership for all things organization++ Hello and HAPPY FRIDAY friends… it always feels like I am crossing the finish line when we make it here and I couldn’t be more excited–another weekend at home with the babies is coming up with a few […]

Share the LOVE… How I Stay Organized with Erin Condren


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  I feel like sometimes the things that we love most are staring us right in the face!!! I’ve been wanting to get back to basics on the blog this year–finding the things I love to talk about and share and so I am going old school on you friends with a roundup of five […]

The Friday Five… Getting Back to Basics

Life + Style

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Hey there friends… happy hump day!!! Just when I thought I was back to the regular routine, I was supposed to be wheels up yet again and bound for Florida for the 2nd time in a week… this time a bit further south, AKA West Palm Beach, for a fun meet-up and photoshoot with Amanda […]

2019… My Word of the Year


2025 favs

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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