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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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One thing I love about fall is the comfort food that makes my entire family happy. Nothing like cooking up something special on a lazy Sunday evening and then all of us sitting around our dining room table together, talking about plans for the week, highs and lows of the day and just seeing their […]

good eats | pesto + italian sausage vodka penne

food and drink

baked spasagna recipe featured by Hello Happiness.

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Ohhh don’t I know it’s been a bit since I shared a recipe with you all and I will go ahead and apologize for the absence, but let you know I hope to make it up to you with today’s feature: Baked Spasagna. Basically two of my favorite Italian dishes all mixed together for one […]

good eats: baked spasagna recipe

food and drink

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I told you that one of my goals was to get back to sharing recipes each week here on the blog. I absolutely love browsing through my magazines finding new foods for the family to enjoy… specifically ones that help check off my low carb days on Monday and Tuesday! So today I’m sharing my […]

good eats: low carb chicken parmesan

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Low carb dinners can be somewhat tricky in my house… my two consecutive low carb days–Mondays and Tuesdays-are filled with after school activities for both of the girls so our options are limited with what I can make efficiently, but still something EVERYONE under my roof will eat without complaining. One of which is a […]

Good Eats | Low Carb Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Bake

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I haver a feeling this all new “5 Things” is going to turn into one fun weekly roundup for everyone to enjoy. Last week, you all went crazy over “5 Ways to Get Going Each Day” and have been asking for more goodness so look no further. Each week, I will share five specific things […]

5 Things | Easy Weeknight Dinners


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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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