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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Surely you’re all finished your shopping by now friends, right?!?!? Haha–yes, I feel you, I’m not either. Just when I think I’ve wrapped it all up someone else pops in my mind and I venture into the world wide web to grab something swiftly… if you’re like me, you’re looking for brands + retailers with […]

My 2018 Gift Guides… One Week to Go, Last Minute Gifting Ideas!


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**thank you to eBay for sponsoring this post… thrilled to collaborate together for everything holiday this season and it’s partnerships like these that continue to make this creative space a possibility–all thoughts, written content and imagery belongs to Hello Happiness** Spode Holiday Mugs | Spode Holiday Plates | Spode Holiday Christmas Tree Serving Dish | KitchenAid Pro Mixer Bake me up […]

Bake Me Up a Piece of That… A Sweet Holiday with eBay


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If you see me out and about this season and I am doing the holiday hustle with my shopping cart full of Christmas goodies, it’s a high probability that I will be sporting something soft and something like this goodness below. The best part is that it looks put together, but those Faux Leather Moto […]

My 2018 Gift Guides… Stocking Stuffers Gift Guide + The Perfect Holiday Shopping Attire


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I’m PRETTY sure these have been the most highly requested gift guides for the season this year… let’s face it, if you’re like me, it seems like your little ones get showered with gifts all year long [thanks to those amazing grandparents and chore money], so when it comes time for Christmas, I am racking […]

My 2018 Gift Guides… Caroline + Carson’s List & Everything for the Kids!


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Last week we gave it to the guys and rounded up a ton of male must-haves for their Christmas wishlist [you can read the boys best gifts here], but now it’s time for everything for the LADIES. You know I have spent a TON of time on this gift guide my friends… I know you’ve […]

My 2018 Gift Guides… For the Ladies + My Christmas Wishlist


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Before I start, I want to say thank you to Nordstrom and Shopping Links for collaborating with me on this super special and exciting holiday partnership. It’s collaborations like these that continue to let me do what I love and I am so thankful you you being here to read today–many thanks friends OXOX.  Faux […]

The One Stop Holiday Shop… Grab it at Nordstrom


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Alright alright alright… I had a weekend “off” as much as you can be as a blogger during the craziest week of the year, but I’ve been up since the crack of dawn revising my list and checking it twice… making sure you stay on the nice list this year and gift the best of […]

My 2018 Gift Guides… Black Friday + Cyber Week Shopping At Its Best!


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Alright friends, if there is one gift guide that seems to stop me dead in my tracks each year, it’s the one for the boys. For some reason, guys are just tough–they say they’ll love anything, but inside you KNOW they’ve got their eyes on something special. So I’ve done my research and looked for […]

My 2018 Gift Guides… What the Guys Want!


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If you’re like me, you’re already stocking the gift closet for this season’s assortment of shindigs and parties and the perfect party host gifts to give upon arrival, too. As someone who loves to entertain, I am always trying to find those top-notch unique little giftables that everyone doesn’t already have 189 of buried somewhere […]

My 2018 Gift Guides… Great Hostess Gifts + Teachers, Too!


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Hey there local friends and fans… today I am doing a little check-in to let you know about  super special, 10th anniversary event coming up THIS Thursday through Saturday in my hometown of Brentwood, Tennessee! The Brentwood Christmas Crawl celebrates all the joy and glad tidings that come along with the holidays, and AMAZING shopping […]

Shopping Small… The Brentwood Christmas Crawl


2025 favs

where I shop

shop my instagram

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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