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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Talk about timing…when I was trying to prep for this week’s “5 Things” installment, hostessing popped into my mind of something I LOVE to do! While I’m not a professional party planner by any stretch of the imagination, I’ve been known to go all out a time or two. Case in point: Caroline’s 5th Bday […]

5 Details For Hosting a Fabulous + Fun Dinner Party


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I totally gave in… the girls hosted their very first sleepover a few weeks ago, and I can’t take any credit for the magic and wonderment that still has them talking. Jessi from Let it B Love reached out to me about one of their super sleepover parties and I instantly said YES when I […]

Sleepover Fun… Let it B Love Teepee Party

Family + Kids

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Oh yes indeed… you didn’t think I would forget to share about our baby’s [yes she is still the baby] 5th birthday party now did you??? It seems like it’s been ages since I threw Caroline’s skating soiree back in March, but now we are headed into uncharted territory with the latest party planning fun: […]

Did Someone Say Party?? Carson’s Superhero Inspired 5th Birthday


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It’s January… which means this mama is already in party planning mode for Caroline’s 6th Birthday Party!! For those who think I am crazy, yes I know I am, but when it comes to parties, you can’t wait until the last minute [or maybe that’s just me], but I always like to have my list […]

let’s roll | caroline’s 6th birthday inspiration

Parties + Enteraining

2024 favs

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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