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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

2019 Holiday Gift Guide: Dirty Santa, Hostess and Teacher Gifts featured by top US life and style blog, Hello! Happiness

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I don’t know about you, but I am LOVING that we are MOVING and a GROOVING and knocking out these 2019 holiday gift guides so we can all gift early, gift GREAT and then celebrate the rest of the joyous holiday season. Last year, I had my gifts all wrapped and ready weeks before December […]

2019 Holiday Gift Guide: Dirty Santa, Hostess and Teacher Gifts


Cute Graphic Tees featured by top US fashion blog, Hello! Happiness: image of a woman wearing a Happy graphic tee

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If there is one thing I love mixing into my attire all day everyday, it’s a good GRAPHIC tee. All year through, whether they’re long sleeve, short sleeve, or tank, cute graphic tees are an essential every closet should have in their arsenal so today I thought I would share some high, low and in […]

Everyday Style… Cute Graphic Tees


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Well, well, well, what have we here?!?!?! An all new edition of my personal Amazon favorites. It’s been a bit since I last shared my current finds from Amazon [the last one is here from July], so I thought it was high time to get back to it and give you guys more of what […]

Natasha’s Amazon Favorites… October Edition


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I know it’s been awhile and y’all have been begging for more Amazon favorites, so when all my latest Prime Day finds arrived, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to share the newest #natashasamazonfavs with you. Also, I’ve got these saved on my Amazon Favs highlights; so you can see the styled IG video […]

My Current Amazon Favorites


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this post is sponsored by my friends at Walmart… thankful to partner with brands we all know and love that continue to make Hello Happiness possible It’s been almost a month since I last visited with you about my favorites from Walmart, and a TON of you have been sending me emails and DMs begging […]

Walmart July Fashion… The Best Black Maxi Dress for Under $50


We Dress America + Walmart Travel Style for a Successful Getaway by top US fashion blog, Hello Happiness: image of woman holding large gray duffle bag with white star print and white straps.

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**thank you to Walmart and RewardStyle for sponsoring this post… collaborations like these continue to make Hello Happiness possible and I am grateful for your continued support** Just when you thought we were staying at home for a bit, we’ve officially jet-setted off to our next destination… sunny California for Jeff’s cousin’s wedding in Morgan […]

We Dress America + Walmart… Travel Style for a Successful Getaway


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You didn’t think I would leave you hanging for TOO long now did you??? Per Instagram, you can see we are up to our crazy busy ways this week with wedding shower preparations, and getting all set for tomorrow night’s Daddy/Daughter dance, but I wanted to do a little check-in today to talk all things for […]

Recent Amazon Fashion Favorites… March Spring Essentials


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I had you at under $50 didn’t I?? Today’s OOTD is all about the everyday ensemble… the staple Tie Waist Dress you can dress up or down, feel completely comfortable in and it washes well, too. Plus, it’s a neutral so it pairs well with any type of layering cardigan, vest, poncho, kimono–you name it, […]

Tie it Up… My Favorite Fall Find Under $50


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Did you know that yesterday was summer solstice, AKA the longest day of the year?? We cherished every moment… we’re at the lake this weekend for a jam-packed three days of water fun with my entire family and so we made sure to make the most of it all those daylight hours! Since everyone has […]

Under $50 Solstice Favorites …The Official Kick-Off to Summer

under $50 finds

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I had you at under $50 didn’t I?!?! I was pleasantly surprised by your comments and emails regarding my under $50 dress feature a few weeks ago, so I thought we would take it up a notch and continue the fun for FRIDAY! Just because it’s fall doesn’t mean we need to spend an arm […]

25 Fall Essentials Under $50


2025 favs

where I shop

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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