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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Faster Way to Fat Loss Results… 6 Months In + A Giveaway!


June 14, 2019

Here we are friends… I’m officially 6 MONTHS IN of everything Faster Way to Fat Loss and I am thrilled to share that I am still going strong!! More than anything, this health and fitness program has given me the confidence to know I can make this lifestyle fit into my daily life and feel stronger, healthier and happier than ever before.

When I embarked on this journey back in January, never in a million years did I expect to see the success I’ve had in just six short months. Not only do my clothes fit better and I feel more confident, but by sharing my story, I have been able to get hundreds of you on board to living your best life and getting fit for your future, too. **read my introduction post to Faster Way to Fat Loss here**


Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman working out.

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results

Looking back, I was scared and apprehensive but knew I wanted to really focus on self care in 2019 and I’ve stuck with it… through travel and trips and crazy schedules with kids and career, I’ve incorporated fasting, tracking macros and carb cycling into my daily life and it’s become second nature to me now.

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness

More than anything, I have to give a big thanks to my coach and mentor, Allie Janszen. Her constant source of motivation and empowerment has enabled me to put my fears on the backburner and helped me succeed in all aspects of Faster Way to Fat Loss.

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman working out.

To be completely honest, I’ve never loved my body–whenever I looked in the mirror, I always saw the flaws… parts of myself I didn’t like, cellulite on my legs, curves that caused me anguish, you get the jist and I have a feeling that most of you have been there too. I’ve always been self conscious about those little insignificant details that truly don’t matter in the grand scheme of things and even though I prioritized fitness, my food choices were never that great and it definitely hurt my progress.

Even when people tell you that you look good, it doesn’t matter if you don’t look in the mirror and love yourself first and foremost. But what I’ve gained now is confidence, pride and contentment–proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish, happy in how my mindset has changed about how I look and now I’ve not only become more fit, but more knowledgeable about what I’m fueling my body with and how to make it work for me day in and day out.

Looking for the Visual??

Check out my before + after pics, measurements & results from round one + round two here.

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman working out.

Again, it’s all about Progress over Perfection… 

If you’ve been following my journey since January, you’ve seen me post a ton about Faster Way to Fat Loss… and to put it simply, I owe all of my success to this 6-week bootcamp. It’s how I’ve been able to reach my goals and set my sights on what I want to achieve in all things health and wellness. Putting myself out there in a bikini was something I never dreamed of doing, but it’s allowed me to help others and because of that, I’d do it all over again.

I am more confident at 35 than I was in my 20s, even after having two children… and I’m excited to see where the next six months takes me! I feel more beautiful, both inside and out, than ever before and my confidence has dramatically increased–sometimes I can’t wipe away the smile on my face, especially when friends and followers reach out to say this program has changed your life, too.

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman working out.

SO, What’s Next??

I’ve wrapped up my third rotation AND we are kicking off a brand new round of Faster Way to Fat Loss Bootcamp next Monday, June 17th.

Even better, a handful of FWTFL ladies and I are partnering up with our go-to gal and amazing coach to gift one lucky lady a free round AND $100 gift cards to Amazon, Target AND Lululemon.

Here’s how to enter: head to my latest FWTFL-focused Instagram post and follow the directions!! Go ahead and sign up to join my next round and those participants will be entered to win the free round on us… even better, once you sign up, you’ll receive all the added resources to help you succeed–recipes, meal planning tips, daily workouts for 6 weeks and private Facebook groups for daily check-ins, too.

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman working out.

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman working out.

Sure you could do it all yourself, but the motivation and encouragement is what keeps me going and I love that we get to celebrate the wins together in our Facebook groups = they have made all the difference in my progress and they will for you!

So, are you ready for it??? Are you ready to shift your patterns and preferences and get set for success with Faster Way to Fat Loss… as always, feel free to email me at natashamassey@gmail.com with any questions you have or visit these previous posts for all the pertinent details regarding Faster Way to Fat Loss results:

Faster Way to Fat Loss Frequently Asked Questions

Faster Way to Fat Loss | My Round 1 and Round 2 Results 

Faster Way to Fat Loss Favorites Foods and Recipes 

Faster Way to Fat Loss Results featured by top US life and style blog Hello! Happiness; Image of a woman working out.


Big hugs to a happy weekend ahead friends!! As always, I am thrilled to have you here and appreciate your support so much.

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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