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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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new year, same me… bigger goals + FWTFL, let’s do this


January 2, 2021

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Natasha Stoneking wearing a white workout tank and purple leggings.

Are you ready for it?? Two years in and I LOVE sharing my love of all things Faster Way to Fat Loss with y’all… I remember when I started this journey back in December 2018 I was skeptical, scared and thought ‘what have I gotten myself into?’… you can see my first round of before pictures here. But after a week of watching my coach Allie’s videos, doing the FWTFL workouts, tracking my macros, introducing intermittent fasting to my daily life and carb cycling, I was HOOKED. Suffice to say it’s  lifestyle, NOT a diet and it’s speaking they speak to us about repeatedly because this is a sustainable program, not some quick fix you can’t do in daily life.

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: collage image of donuts, pie chart, and fruits and vegetables.

I’m thrilled that so many of you have been listening to me ramble about this program since I started and some of you have even completed rounds and gone on to get your own coach certification, too. Talk about empowerment! But here I am, a new year with new goals and I am diving in heads first again to get my booty back in gear for all things 2021. I’ve got my must-do’s listed out, my measurements taken and I am all in to make my first 6 weeks a big success and you can, too.

I could talk until I’m blue in the face about my love for FWTFL and everything it involves, but if you’re wanting the high-level details, start here. with all the specifics about the three components of the program, necessary equipment, app access, how to join my group, as well as my results from my very first rounds back in 2019. and my 2020 round results as well.

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: before and after weight loss image of Natasha Stoneking.

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: graphic image of body measurements.

Once you’ve gotten all that memorized [haha, just kidding], maybe take a few to read through my favorite foods and recipes… so many go-to essentials that help me conquer low carb days [a full snack cheat sheet for what I eat], as well as other pantry staples I always have on hand so that my macros gets met easily. I’m all about the easy so many of the recipes  cook can be tweaked depending on the day and/or to conquer picky kids so that you’re fixing one meal and maybe eliminating/adding a specific ingredient so you can devour up dinner, too.

Speaking of food, here is another highly requested post you’re always asking for: Trader Joe’s favorites. So many of the goodies I grab on the weekly to make cooking a cinch… plus tasty meats, drinks + dairy, veggies + fruits, etc. Interested in learning about intermittent fasting?? Yep, I’ve got a full post dedicated to our 16:8 eating window here.

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Trader Joe's food products.

Finally, for anything else you think you may need to know about FWTFL, I’ve got a frequently asked questions post here. as I’m trying to keep this as concise as possible.

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of two women wearing athleticwear and standing together in an alley way.

Ready to join Allie and I as we debut our first round for 2021?? Here’s the lowdown on how to join:

  1. Click this link to register AND be added to my small group
  2. Be sure to input Allie Janszen as your coach as that is the only way you’ll be in MY group with me
  3. Once complete, you’ll get emails to join our private FB group from Allie to get you ready for our start date of 1/4
  4. AND, once you register, you’ll be entered to win thus early access giveaway from Allie [yes, we do all sorts of giveaways throughout the 6-weeks so you’ve got tons of chances to win some of our fav goodies]

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: collage image of a target gift card, yoga blocks, coffee machines, yoga mat, water bottle, faster way to fat loss tank, and faster way to fat loss workout gear.


There is NO time like now to get on track for your best year yet… self care has been a gamechange in my personal and professional life and it’s all due to my success from Faster Way to Fat Loss. Trust me, if I can do it, you can as well. So grab a friend [because everything is better with a buddy], sign up, and buckle up baby–we’ve got you!

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Natasha Stoneking wearing olive green athleticwear and standing in an alley way decorated with bistro lights.

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Natasha Stoneking wearing olive green athleticwear and standing in an alley way decorated with bistro lights.

Have you tried faster way to fat loss?  Let me know in a comment below!

  1. Addison says:

    You go girl! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021!

  2. Caley says:

    So excited for you – you rock this!! x

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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