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I was listening to the oldies Pandora station this morning and this song came on… one of my absolute favorites by far!! In a time where we’re constantly surrounded with both highs and lows, you have to keep moving on and be thankful for all the good. I am having one of those days where […]

Aint No Mountain High Enough!


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My sorority’s creed–haha. Random, I know. And other nonsense…this is Thursday’s topic of delight. For some reason, this morning I woke up and must have felt patriotic because I am most certainly sporting a navy striped skirt and a tomato red springtime sweater…God Bless America, right?  On another fashion note, I finally did it–I broke down and purchased […]

Do Good…And Other Nonsense


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Hola lovelies!! Happy, Happy Tuesday to each and every one of you… it’s raining and a tad bit dreary here in Music City this morning, but I am keeping my fingers crossed the snow blows right on by us–too many things to do this week for weather to get in my way so take that […]

Top 2, Training, and Nonsense


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This is a post filled with a jumbo heap of mess so I apologize in advance… 1. Readers/Friends who are into all things beauty: Recently, I have noticed my hair is really dry–assuming due to the change in weather which is strange becaused it used to be oily, but now I am on the hunt […]

Mumbo Jumbo from Yours Truly


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I’ve been on the hunt for some turkey-riffic {can’t believe I just made that word up} recipes to share for all of your upcoming Thanksgiving menus–it’s 2 weeks from today, can you tell I’m counting dowen?? Some of these I have tried, and some are newbies I can’t wait to attempt, but they all seem […]

Traditional Thanksgiving Recipes


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I am all about the fruit, especially during the summer when you can take advantage of all the goodness and variety of watermelon, strawberries, canteloupe, raspberries, peaches, and my favorite–blueberries! Fruit has the ability to make any homemade dish more unique, and adds that little bit of nutrition to even the deadliest pleasures… here are […]

Recipes: Fruit of the Loom


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In the hopes of meeting one of my monthly goals for June, I am attempting to cook at least twice a week and sample out some new recipes for our table. Not to toot the horn too loudly, but I am happy to say I cooked dinner 4 times last week and am anxious to […]

Sweet Summer Treats


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