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Sorry bloggy friends, today I am having to play catch-up for Aly’s 12 Days of Christmas Challenge… my apologies for being MIA this weekend, but I was playing hostess to Jeff’s mom visiting from Knoxville, dancing around a restaurant doing the chicken dance for my Papa’s 70th birthday dinner, shopping all over Nashville for Christmas gifts for […]

12 Days of Christmas Challenge… Catch-Up and Day 7


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Oh Louis Armstrong, I love that song… always puts me in a GREAT mood! Yes, the sun is shining a lot earlier than usual (and I’m quite thankful for having it out when I leave the gym in the morning), however, we all know it’s quite depressing to know the sun will set before we […]

What a Wonderful World


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I am in a WONDEFUL mood today… why you ask?? Our save-the-dates are being mailed today by the world’s most fabulous mother which equals only 8 more months until wedding day! I’ll post loads of pics about this for Wedding Wednesday, but I was just too giddy not to mention it today =) Wow, what a […]

243 Days…and Yummy Food!


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So pardon me for jumping ship yesteday, but as you can see, my lovely little blog was getting a renovation of its own {still a work-in-progress with a few things to revise}, courtesy of Lindsey at Sweet Simplicity Designs–she is WONDERFUL to work with. I gave her tons of ideas for what I was looking […]

Back and Better Than Ever!


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I’ll give you shortened, condensed version of how my weekend went: (1) because it’s not all that exciting, and (2) because I’m crazy busy again this week–both work and personally–so I need to pick it up a notch to make sure I get everything knocked out in time. Friday Night–cookout with some of Jeff’s work friends […]

Just Another Manic Monday


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Back to Monday, back to reality… boo hoo, the weekends never seem to last long enough. On the other hand, this was one of the best 2 days I have had in quite a few months, and that’s all because I got to enjoy every moment with just Jeff and me. Friday night, we grilled […]

Adventure Time


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Going back through the years of the TV series of Sex and the City, I always wanted to be more like Carrie Bradshaw… a writer, a quick-witted woman with a slew of men vying for her attention, and a lover of all things fashion. However, the more I grow up, and now having seen the new […]

Wishful Wednesday…SATC2 Character


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