social gatherings

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Why is it that I have spring fever and every Friday I am constantly looking at the clock waiting for my work day to be over so I can ring the official “thank-the-Lord-it’s-the-weekend” bell?? Who knows, but I am so ready to get out of here and enjoy the Nashville forecast, which calls for LOTS […]

Weekend Plans and a Little Thought


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What a week this has been… both personally and professionally, I have exhausted all the energy I had inside of me and I am ready for a weekend to surface so I can get some much-needed things done around the house! I’ve already ran 6.5 miles {and going back for more today}, sent out 2 […]

5PM Can’t Come Soon Enough


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if nothing else out there can get any of you excited about 2010 and what all next year has to offer, i have high hopes this little sneak preview will cheer you right up… i saw this and about fell out of my chair with excitedness {and yes, the anticipation is already growing} i better start […]

a pre-holiday treat


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Just released today via People, take a look at the new Hills trailer… this season, Lauren has left the building, and so the clever producers over at MTV brought back the worst-of-all-time villain…Kristin Cavallari…this is going to be GOOD! Suddenly, Heidi and Spencer don’t seem that bad afterall MTV Shows Fortunately for me, I don’t […]

{The Witch is Back}


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As I mentioned last week, Jeff and I went to a benefit last Saturday night known as Can Cancer for a friend of his, Jason Myers, who died of skin cancer in 2008. Not only were they friends, they were work colleagues and developed a great friendship during their time together. Unfortunately, I never had […]

{Can Cancer}


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