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I think I am in the mood to hit up a major dance class after watching the series premiere of All About Aubrey last night…please tell me others of you remember this woman? {Meg, I know you are dying right now because we have been uber pumped for this debut} Was anyone a Making the […]

Some Days You Gotta Dance


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So much to accomplish this week with what seems like so little time… But before I muddle on about the stress of moving into February, can we please spend a moment bragging about the spring-like weather that invaded Nashville this weekend? I stayed inside as little as possible just because the sun was out, my […]

Just Another Manic Monday


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It’s Thursday, but it’s not thoughtless in my book…although considering this is a 4-day work week, it is DRAGGING by and I am in some desperate need of relaxation time this weekend.  Last night, I went and had dinner with my sweet friend Jenna–she is one of the most incredible women I know and I so value our […]

Thoughtful Nonsense


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Random post in no order whatsoever… jumping around on the page if you will: 1. I was so encouraged to get new running shoes for 2011… however I am sad to “retire” my old Asics–these puppies helped me finish my first 1/2 marathon and let me get to 550 miles last year… sad to sad […]

Tidbits of Fun and Back to Training Tuesday!


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Why does corporate America insist we work the days prior to a major holiday? Seriously, I assure you that most of us who are logged in are doing anything but working right now. I am busily emailing friends, shopping for gifts for my family, listening to music {Christmas tunes of course!}, and plotting my plan […]

Its Tuesday Afternoon and I am Stuck at Work…


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It’s Friday and I am anxiously counting down the hours until the weekend… While I am busy, surely I can find the time to stumble across something to review for my friends at CSN stores–I just love their website. From a gorgeous ottoman coffee table to anything your heart desires, I know I will add another amazing […]

Fabulous Friday Teasers…


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Cheers friends! We made it to another Friday!! This week has been hectic to say the least, with work, getting ready for this weekend, more registering {wow that is exhausting!}, and the arrival of my friend Jennifer’s brand new baby boy Bryce. Her sweetheart of a daughter, Madeline, is our flower girl and they just […]

Fall is Here and it’s Friday


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