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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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#fwtflwithnatasha… the after, round 1 2021


February 15, 2021

6 weeks down and feeling LEANER, MORE TONED and LIGHTER, too = a winning combination in my mind. I’m an open book when it comes to my love affair of Faster Way to Fat Loss, simply because it’s the ONLY program I’ve ever been able to complete AND maintain, while not missing out on the things I love most… also known as sweet treats and cocktails!

I’ve written many blog posts and updates throughout my two-year journey, and if you’re new here, I’m including all those for quick reference below–including starting measurements and imagery, results from each round, check-ins and all the details you need to know:

January 2021 | Kick-Off

March 2020 | Round 1 Results

December 2019 | My 1 Year FWTFL Anniversary

June 2019 | Six Months In

April 2019 | Round Two Results

February 2019 | Round One Results

December 2018 | All Things FWTFL and My Before Shots

BUT… you’re not here to see what happened in the past, you’re here to view the progress from the past six weeks. And believe you me, if you had told me I’d post myself on social media at 37 in nothing more than my underlayers I’d tell you you were CRAZY, but I’m brave enough to be able to share the good, the bad and the ugly and this is where I can be proud of what I was able to execute these past 1.5 months.

So, let’s get right down to it… the before and after measurements:

Faster Way to Fat Loss

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of before and after body measurements chart.

So, what changed in the past 6 weeks to where I was able to shed 6.5 inches, 4 pounds and lose 1.5% body fat?? Lots of you ask what I do different on my active rounds versus VIP/maintenance mode, and to be honest, the biggest difference is I TRACK MY MACROS DAY IN AND DAY OUT. I am a perfectionist and I am always trying to master my pie chart to get those percentages exactly where they need to be for proteins, fat and carbs and that’s where I see the biggest change when I do a six-week round. MyFitnessPal makes it super easy to integrate each ingredient/food/menu so it’s foolproof…FYI: I subscribe to the premium version of MyFitnessPal for added breakdowns and nutritonal info, but the free version is fantastic and offers everything you need to begin!

My other secret sidekick?? My dear coach Allie Janszen [who just happened to score the #2 FWTFL coach in 2020], who walks alongside each of us in my small group throughout our 6-week journey, day in and day out, setting us up for success! Her daily check-ins, informational videos, contests and challenges, as well as her added meal plans + recipes and helpful guides are an extra bonus that help us reach those goals even faster, too.

Next up… the official unedited pictures of your truly, from start to finish:

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: before and after body images of Natasha Stoneking.
From Left to Right: January 3rd, January 23rd, February 5th, February 13th
Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: before and after body images of Natasha Stoneking.
Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: before and after body images of Natasha Stoneking.
Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: before and after body images of Natasha Stoneking.

Oh goodness… I have to admit it’s kind of scary, showing those pictures to e everyone via social media, but I promised myself I would always be transparent whenever I posted about FWTFL and that’s exactly what this show and tell is all about. Sure, I have days where I don’t meet my goals or my workout wasn’t 100%, and I even went through a week of sickness where I wasn’t able to stay on target for my macros, but I am SO proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish these past 6 weeks. And when I see those pictures, it only fuels me even more to continue to process to get leaner and more toned just in time for Spring Break.

And now that I am 6.5 inches down with a little more than 4 pounds lost, I’m back in action for another rotation!!

Another change for this round??? Not only did I watch what I ate, but I integrated some new foods + recipes into the regular rotation, too. Usually a creature of habit, I’ve been trying to create one new recipe each week and it’s been fun to try new dinner items that check all the boxes, depending on the day of the week.

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: collage image of Faster Way to Fat Loss meals.

So, I also made it back to the gym in a regular rotation which I am SO thankful for… using machines, especially on strength training + leg days, is super helpful for me in not only increasing the amount I’m lifting/etc, but it helps lean out my muscles and definitely challenges me as well. A lot of you ask if I do the FWTFL workouts each day even though I have a trainer twice a week: usually, I’ll tell him on Mondays I want to focus on all things HIIT, whereas on Wednesdays we stick to strength training circuits so I follow pretty closely. Every other day, you’ll see me writing down the FWTFL workouts and knocking them out on my own–complete with killer playlists by way of Spotify of course.

I also treated myself to new workout wear and some fab new sneakers, two things that always put a little pep in my step, especially when I’m trying to take things up a notch! Pastels and sherpas, leggings, tanks and more–I’ve got you covered with all the fabulous OOTD style for the best fitness fashion ever:

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: collage image of Natasha Stoneking wearing various workout outfits.
Outfits: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of Nike Flyknit React Sneakers.
Flyknit React Sneakers

So, if you’re ready to hit the GO button on Faster Way to Fat Loss, what’s next??

  1. click this link to register to be added to my small group [our next round starts TODAY, which means this week will be our intro week, where we will walk you through the 3 components of FWTFL: carb cycling, intermittent fasting and tracking macros]
  2. be sure to input Allie Janszen as your coach as that’s the only way you’ll be in MY group for specialized check-ins, giveaways and daily chats
  3. once complete, you’ll get emails to join our private FB group from Allie to ready, set and officially start your FWTFL journey
  4. read my full FAQ post to get high-level details, too

I promise you one thing: small changes add up to big results and the pictures won’t lie! My motto for all things Faster Way to Fat Loss is below and it’s been saved in my phone for two years because of how much it rings true–be sure to bookmark for all that motivation:

Faster Way to Fat Loss by popular Nashville lifestyle blog, Hello Happiness: image of motivational workout quote.

Then visit a few of my favorite FWTFL posts, including my go-to cheat sheet for snacking, must-make recipes and of course the Trader Joe’s essentials you need to stock your pantry with ASAP. And I’ve got a full dedicated post to all things Intermittent Fasting you can read here.

As always, I’m here to be your cheerleader and help you jumpstart the new journey to your brand new life. I’m so thankful I said YES to this program two years ago and I know the best is yet to come!! OXOX

Have you done Faster Way to Fat Loss? Let me know in a comment below!

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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