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And in with the New…. My first blog post in 2010!! First of all, I hope everyone had a great new year’s celebration–mine was simply wonderful, laidback, and relaxing with my parents and Jeff, and I don’t think I would have had it any other way… {crazy to think that in just 1 year my […]

Out with the Old…


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Oh blog how I have neglected you since last week…my sincerest apologies, but at least others were on top of their posting since I had a brief “blogcation” to celebrate the holidays… but now I am back and ready for another jam-packed week! Here is the best I can do to recap my blessed Christmas celebration: On […]

My Christmas Story


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I found this recipe over at Our Best Bites and can’t wait to make this tomorrow for each member of my family…a little gift for each of them to take home after we celebrate on Christmas Day!! It looks very easy, and festive for the holiday, too: Ingredients 16-20 cups of popped popcorn (about 2 bags of microwaved popcorn- […]

{Recipe: Peppermint Bark Popcorn}


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In case you haven’t noticed, I love doing rando surveys–and this one is right up my alley with Christmas only 8 days away {yes, I said 8 days… better finish up those last minute gifts!!} Sure, we all have our memorable Christmas-isms that we have become famous for, and this may help enlighten you how […]

{All About Me: ‘Tis the Season}


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Are you hosting a fabulous party?? Are you and your closest friends going to a downtown dance party? Are you headed to watch the VOLS at the Chick-Fil-A Bowl in Atlanta? Sadly, this year Jeff and I are taking a relaxed view of my beloved New Year’s Eve festivities, and we will be spending it […]

{What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve??}


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‘Tis the season for baking… yes, everyone’s sweet tooth gets a little bigger this time of year, and there is no better way to show your friends and family just how much you love them than by spoiling them with some homemade treats! By following so many blogs about baking, cooking, and holiday entertaining, surely {at least} […]

{Holiday Baking}


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this is the song that should describe how i am feeling during the holidays right now… yes, so  much to do, and there is never enough time {do i sound like jessie from saved by the bell??? BTW- that is my favorite episode of all time}. back to the matter at hand, i still have […]

{So Much to Do, So Little Time}


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