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ONE. DIY Project Complete Yes, I FINALLY finished Caroline’s IKEA Chalkboard Table and Chair set gifted to her by her Aunt Bev. It took me awhile, but it turned out really cute (if I say so myself) and I love the finished product…and yes, Miss CC does too. She is constantly working on her computer, […]

five on friday


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I claimed I would stop doing the monthly update/stat reports on Miss CC, yet low and behold, the sentimental part of me wants to have all these details written down so I can look back and remember some of these hilarious shenanigans, too! I won’t do them monthly, but maybe every 3-6 months as she […]

Hello! Caroline…15 Months of Fun


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Yeah, someone thought they posted this a few weeks ago and then when “that person” went to find it, she might have noticed it was still sitting in her draft post folder. Oops!  My last monthly post for Miss CC…say it isn’t so. I already wrote her a letter on her first year, which you […]

Hello! Caroline…You’re ONE!


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1. This past weekend, we had Caroline’s very first swim lesson at the YMCA…it’s just an introductory class that meets each Saturday over the span of a month, but it’s a great way to get her into the pool. Jeff was so excited for some daddy/daughter time, but of course I tagged along so I […]

Playing Catch Up!


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Can I make a declaration to yall since we’re friends? I am SO HAPPY and relieved the big shindig/birthday party is over…now don’t get me wrong, it was so much fun planning and crafting and creating and brainstorming and baking, but it wiped me out and I am happy it was a success! It turned […]

Caroline’s 1st Birthday Party Recap


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Y’all, forgive me in advance if I become a blubbering mess throughout this post. I am sitting here with a box of Kleenex already bawling my eyes out as I write. This year has gone by so quickly and words escape me as I sit back and think about just how much life has changed […]

A Letter to My Love on Her First Birthday


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Hey There My Little Princess, It’s February, the month devoted to all things love and I can’t help but get a little sentimental at the thought that I had 2 valentines this year (and another on the way)! You are my whole heart, my everything, all wrapped up into one little bundle of joy and you […]

Hello! Caroline…11 Months Old!


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