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August 19th marked a special day in our world as we had Miss Caroline Cate baptized in front of our church congregation…Jeff and I knew from the minute we welcomed our daughter that this was something important for us as a family, to have our daughter baptized…not only for her, but as an outward sign to […]

i am a child of god…caroline’s baptism


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as i look back on what my life looked like when i started my blog 4 years ago, things were VERY different i assure you. from the outside, i had a great life, but in peeling back the layers, i was involved in an unhealthy relationship, i was unhappy with my body image, i wasn’t […]

Living the Life You Dream Of


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Miss Caroline, Happy 1 month birthday my darling baby girl…time is FLYING by {just like everyone forewarned me about} and I cannot believe you have been with us for an entire month already! It seems just like yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital and introducing you to family and friends. A little bit about you: […]

Hello! Caroline…1 Month Old


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At the end of every year, I like to look back at all of the exciting events that have taken place over the past 12 months just as a little highlight of monumentous occasions and such…some may have little to no relevance to others, yet played a big role in my life. Here we go: Rang […]

2011…A Hello Happiness Year in Review


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Are you ready for this one friends?? I do believe a lot of you already know from my Facebook posting or via Twitter, but Jeff and I are ELATED to finally spread our wonderful news… WE’RE HAVING A BABY GIRL!!! On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are we? Over the moon +1. […]

It’s Official, We’re Having A…


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We all know the school-age rhyme of what comes next, right? For those who may not, it goes a little something like this: “The Baby in the Baby Carriage” And if you’re sitting there wondering what is going on…this picture may provide some further insight to the situation: Yes, friends, it’s true…I can finally proclaim […]

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes…


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As a blogger, I know I am bound to receive some “feedback” based on what I write, and I knew that coming into this social networking world. But from the outside, it’s easy for others to judge and blame, and cast their opinions on those they don’t even really know. I write my blog about […]

From the Outside


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